
  • Thank you for choosing the Doctor app. We are pleased to have you with us. Enclosed is the documentation to help you set up and launch the app easily. Please read it carefully, as it contains important information. If you need any assistance or have questions, our support team is just a message away.

Domain Setup

Step 1 : Log in to your domain provider account

  • Examples include GoDaddy, Namecheap, Google Domains, or Hostinger.

Step 2 : Navigate to the DNS management section

  • This section might be labeled differently depending on your provider but look for "DNS Management," "DNS Settings," or similar.

Step 3 : Create an 'A record'

  • Host: Enter the subdomain name, such as "admin."
  • IP Address: Enter your server's IP address.
  • TTL (Time to Live): You can typically leave this as the default setting (e.g., "Automatic").

Step 4 : Save the changes

  • Look for a button or option to save or apply the changes, such as "Save All Changes."
  • Following these steps should correctly create an A record for your subdomain.

Create DigitalOcean Account

  • Create your VPS Server on Digital Ocean and receive $200 in credits for 2 monthsClick Here
  • DigitalOcean Referral Badge

Server Setup

Step 1 : Create Droplet in Control Panel

  • Please click on the "Create" button located in the top right corner to open the create menu.

Step 2 : Choose Region

  • In the "Choose Region" section, please select the region where you would like to create your Droplet.

Step 3 : Choose an image

  • In the "Choose an image" section, you can select the image you wish to use for your Droplet.
  • Please ensure that you select the Ubuntu operating system with version 22.04 for your Droplet.

Step 4 : Choose Size

  • In the "Choose Size" section, you can determine the amount of RAM, storage space, and CPU cores for your Droplet.

Step 5 : Enable Backups

  • You have the option to enable "Automatic Backups" for the Droplet, which will incur an additional cost based on the frequency of the backups.

Step 6 : Choose Authentication Method

  • In the "Choose Authentication Method" section, select the preferred method for logging in to your Droplet.

Step 7 : Recommended and Advanced Options

  • In the "We recommend these options" section, you have the opportunity to enable various optional services that enhance the functionality of your Droplet.
  • Additional options are accessible by expanding the "+Advanced Options" section.

Step 8 : Finalize Details

  • In the "Finalize Details" section, you can specify the quantity, name, tags, and project for the Droplet you are creating.
  • After selecting your options, please click on "Create Droplet". A progress bar will then indicate the status of your Droplet's readiness.
  • Once the Droplet setup is complete, its IP address will be displayed in the control panel.
  • Once you have obtained the IP address, you can establish a connection to your Droplet using SSH.

How To Get Secret Key

  • To enhance the security of our code, we should generate a strong secret key using a reliable source like

How To Get JWT Secret Key

  • To enhance the security of our code, we should generate a strong secret key using a reliable source like
  • The JWT Secret Key should be a randomly generated key for instance, "kY4fai9sUT" is an example of such a JWT Secret Key. This key is essential for securing and validating JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) within our application.

Extract The Project

  • Connect to the server via SSH using tools like WinSCP for file transfer and PuTTY for command line access.
  • Please transfer the admin zip file to the home directory of your server.
  • First, install the library using the following command:
  • apt install unzip
  • After navigating to the home directory path, use the following command to unzip the admin zip file:
  • cd /home
    unzip -d /home

Admin Panel Setup

  • After navigating to the root path, use the following command:
  • cd /
  • How to upload and paste the '' file using WinSCP, as shown in the image below.
  • After creating the file, it should be displayed as follow.
  • After, Copy the text from the file provided by us.
  • After copying the text from the file, paste it into the server's file.
  • Then, run the file using the following command:
  • sudo apt install dos2unix
    chmod +x
  • Upon successful execution of the file, you will receive the following information:

Import MongoDb files

Step 1 : Download MongoDB Compass

Step 2 : Open MongoDB Compass

  • Open MongoDB Compass after installation.

Step 3 : Connect MongoDB Database

  • After successfully executing the file, you will receive the MongoDB connection string. Please copy it for further use.
  • Click on "New Connection" to set up a new connection to your MongoDB server.
  • Enter the MongoDB connection string provided by your hosting provider.
  • Click "Connect" to establish the connection to your MongoDB database.

Step 4 : Navigate to Database

  • Once connected, MongoDB Compass will display your databases. Select the your database where you want to import the JSON files.

Step 5 : Import JSON Files

  • Click on the your database name to expand and view its collections.
  • Select the collection where you want to import the JSON files.
  • Click on the "Collection" tab and then click on the "Add Data" button.
  • Choose "Import JSON or CSV File" from the dropdown menu.
  • Navigate to the folder where your JSON files are located in the extracted folder.
  • Select the JSON files you want to import.
  • Click "Import" to start importing the JSON files into your MongoDB database.
  • You need to import the collections settings into your database.

Admin Panel Sign-Up

  • Please note that the admin must sign up first, as shown in the image below.

Step 1 : Email

  • Enter your email address.

Step 2 : Password

  • Create a secure password.

Step 3 : Confirm Password

  • Verify the password.

Step 4 : Purchase Code

  • Enter a unique code for registration security.
  • Click here to get your purcahsed code from codecanyon.

Want to talk with us?

Email : [email protected]

Whatsapp : +91 9909515320